Kim Lambert

Licensed Professional Counselor

"How do I know if counseling is right for me?"

Only you can determine if counseling is right for you. Many of us are taught to keep our business to ourselves, to "suck it up and deal with it," and that needing counseling means you are "weak."

You'll know you are ready when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired. When you have tried every alternative and nothing changes, and when you (and/or your relationships) have more bad days than good.

There are many things in life that we can't change, but we can change ourselves, we can improve the quality of our lives, and we can find peace no matter what is happening around us.

How you answer the questions below may help you decide if counseling is right for you.

  • Do your relationships seem to fall into the same unhealthy patterns, even with different people?

  • Do you feel jealous, insecure, and have a fear of being abandoned with the smallest conflict?

  • Do you sabotage your relationships because of fears, insecurities, and unrealistic expectations?

  • Do you find yourself getting involved with the same type of person over and over again?

  • Do you have intense emotional reactions to certain people and situations, and feel like you might be triggered by something?

  • Are you a people pleaser at the expense of your own needs?

  • Do you feel guilty or have a hard time saying "no," even when it's in your best interest?

  • Do you feel like you don't know who you are, what you like, or what YOU need?

  • Do you feel driven to keep busy all the time because when you slow down, your feelings are too intense?

  • Do you seek approval and lack self-trust?

  • Do you avoid confrontations and conflicts at all costs?

  • Do you have a difficult time asking for help, even when you need it?

  • Do you feel responsible for others' feelings to the extent of putting your own feelings aside?

If you find yourself getting into similar situations that cause you grief, heartache, stress, or anxiety, ask yourself this important question:

"Do I want to be in this situation next year...or even next month...?"

If the answer is " No" you are in the right place.

Let me help you find a better way.